[News] Congratulations to Peng Chen (陈鹏) for his paper being published on JACS
[News] Congratulations to Lijun Chen (陈丽君) for his paper being published on Acc. Chem. Res.
[News] Congratulations to Tianhao Ma(马天昊) for his paper being published on ACIE
[News] Congratulations to Kuan Zhao(赵款) and Yifu Cheng(程乙夫) for their paper being published on CCS Chemistry
[News] M. S. Jinxin Chen (陈金信) has passed his master dissertation defense. Congratulations!
[News] M. S. Yongjian Su (苏永健) has passed his master dissertation defense. Congratulations!
[News] Doc. Bo Li (李波) has passed his Ph.D. dissertation defense. Congratulations!
[News] Doc. Lijun Chen (陈丽君) has passed his Ph.D. dissertation defense. Congratulations!
[News] Congratulations to Shumi Jia (贾淑密) for his paper being published on Cell
[News] Congratulations to Lijun Chen(陈丽君) and Peng Chen(陈鹏) for their paper being published on Chem